Intake form - couples

This form can only be completed by the individuals who attend the appointment, and cannot be completed on behalf of another individual.

After submitting this form you may be contacted to confirm additional details as well as a day and time for your first appointment.

General Information

Primary attendee | Contact information

The primary attendee will be the main point of contact for coordinating appointments, payments and other administrative and clinical matters. To avoid uncertainty, the primary attendee is responsible for costs.

Primary attendee | Emergency Contact Information

By providing these details, you consent to the named individual being contacted in the event of an emergency or when contact is deemed clinically necessary by your practitioner, and you cannot be contacted directly. 

You acknowledge contact with this individual may result in disclosure of the existence of the treatment relationship.

The emergency contact for couples appointments can not be an attendee of the session. 

i.e. the primary and additional attendees can not be the emergency contact for each other. 

Primary attendee consent

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

Additional attendee | Contact information

The additional attendee will be the secondary point of contact for coordinating appointments, payments and other administrative and clinical matters. To avoid uncertainty, the primary attendee is responsible for costs.

Additional attendee | Emergency Contact Information

By providing these details, you consent to the named individual being contacted in the event of an emergency or when contact is deemed clinically necessary by your practitioner, and you cannot be contacted directly. 

You acknowledge contact with this individual may result in disclosure of the existence of the treatment relationship.

The emergency contact for couples appointments can not be an attendee of the session. 

i.e. the primary and additional attendees can not be the emergency contact for each other. 

Additional attendee consent

Draw signature|Type signatureClear